Announce Autochthonous Car Seat Covers
New Car seat covers are created from mill overruns. The covers are very derived from the inventive upholstery that classic or older cars came with when they were beginning purchased oldness ago. Depending on the accomplish and mannequin of the motorcar, genuine covers can sell for $600 and upwards. A aboriginal operation to selling and production means from your seat covers is to receive the confabulation gone approximately your product.
Use Print Media and the Internet
1. Contact a workshop that makes Car seat covers. Search your community bleached pages and the Internet for latest Car interior factories. Proof to eye whether the workshop has a catalogue it document its products in and distribute to happening and likely customers. For instance, Commencing Car Interiors (clock Funds) creates a catalogue that highlights divers product offerings including product description, type, price and size.
Place an ad in local or national automobile magazines such as "Motor Trend," "Automobile Magazine," "Auto Week" and "Car and Driver" (see Resources). Keep in mind that the smaller the magazine's subscriber base, typically, the lower the cost will be for you to advertise your original car seats in the publication. Consider taking out an ad in your local newspaper and in online automobile ezines (see Resources).
Ask the factory owner if you can advertise your original auto seat covers in their catalog for a minimal fee, about $50 per seat cover. Some owners might allow you to include your covers in their catalog unpaid.2.
3. Create an account on Craigslist (see Resources). Click the country and city where you want to advertise your original car seats on Craigslist. Post your ad under the category "for sale." Include the description, size, price, car make and model and seat cover color with your ad. Upload an image of your car seat so viewers can see what they are purchasing.
4. Build a website. Use a free website template from a web host such as Bravehost, Free Website Templates or Intuit. Create an online profile to access the company's tools, including images, calendars and visitor tracking tools. Add a link to your email on each page of your website. Provide pictures, descriptions, size, color, car make and model and price with each original car seat you want to advertise. Include your name, mailing address and telephone number on each page of your website so interested persons can easily contact you.
5. Take out a radio ad spot. Search radio directories such as Shout Cast, Radio Locator and Radio Tower for radio stations that cater to the automotive industry. Purchase a 30-second spot on the station. Include your website link, email and telephone number in the ad.