Friday, March 6, 2015

Fix A Subaru Exhaust System

Most Subaru's keep a relatively manageable exhaust operation.

Fixing the exhaust transaction on a Subaru Testament depend on the vehicle's pattern and year. The design models Testament chalk up a unmarried in-line exhaust system, which money one header on the engine and one muffler. While higher-power Subarus such as the STI variants Testament hog an X shaped exhaust operation, which has headers on both sides of the engine and Look-alike exhausts. The most accepted occupation with these systems is a leak from a rupture in the tubing or a corroded attachment strap.


1. Uplift the machine up on turn ramps, one for Everyone trundle, which any Car shop Testament enjoy. Advantage a flashlight to examine the exhaust tube the runs from the forward engine bay to the rear muffler. Observe for any conspicuous breaches in the tubing, which Testament carry soot exhaust stains surrounding the gap. Very look for rusted or broken attachment straps that hold the tubing in place. If the strap is broken, then the metal strip will be hanging low, with a ragged edge when it's separated.

2. You do not need to be afraid about over tightening the strap if it is done by hand. If using a machine, you need to stop once the power tool's clutch disengages. Once there is a full covering on the hole, wrap another layer with diagonal strips. Finally, wrap a final layer with diagonal strips going perpendicular to the previous layer.

3. Remove the broken strap with your wrench set. The exact wrench size needed will depend on the model and year. If the bolts are not damaged, it is okay to reuse them. Set them aside if they are damaged. Wrench in a replacement strap, which can be bought from a Subaru dealership. Clean the exhaust soot from around the hole with water and then thoroughly dry off. Wrap aluminum tape around the hole. Be careful to wrap several inches forward and behind the breach.