Compression brakes, or exhaust/jake brakes, are a doable alternative to guideline brake pads, largely for larger vehicles.
1. Relocate the vehicle's abrogating battery escort to a position out from the battery by slackening the denying assign clamp of the battery by using a wrench. This is an initial safety manner that should be performed prior to compression brake installation.
2. Remove the grommet over the charge wiring conduit that is located between the passenger earth and the engine compartment. Connect with the supplied lock and seal components.
Relocate the personal computer brake driver's seat box, accelerator sensor and potentiality switch wiring to the passenger compartment area by passing it washed-up the firewall.
4. Fasten down and build certain the three above components are in put within the passenger compartment area by putting the potentiality switch in an accessible purpose to the Chauffeur and the brake determination box, specifically underneath the dashboard.
5. Wire the brake bridle box, accelerator sensor and competence switch by using and connecting the brake development's already available female and mortal adapters, then replete the passenger compartment globe wiring craft by linking the manner to the vehicle's fuse box. To full this formation specifically, connect via wiring the exhaust brake to the indicated fuse that your specific exhaust brake volume specifies. This instruction Testament feather the correctly position for your spot.
6. Advantage the screws and any clips removed earlier to reconnect the dashboard.
7. Proceeds the compression brake wiring that ends in the coolant sensor connector to the top of the engine, by the coolant sensor near the oil tube. Takings gone the guideline vehicle sensor and replace it with your compression brake sensor. Reconnect the standard vehicle sensor wiring to the compression brake harness' sensor connection adapter.
8. Loosen the band clamps of the air box base plate to remove the vehicle air box and intake tubes via a screwdriver. Use a drill to make three roughly half-inch holes in the air box engine compartment and then attach the compressor with the included nuts and bolts. Reconnect the air box base plate. Connect the pneumatic hose to the compressor outlets by pushing it in and locking the fittings. Reinstall the air box with the screws.
9. Locate the passenger compartment exhaust system, which is under the compartment. Cut an area of exhaust tubing from the existing vehicle tubing that can accommodate the compression brake tube body. This existing vehicle tubing can be found under the vehicle, above the transmission cross member. Use the exhaust band clamps to install this new tubing into the area previously occupied by the old tubing. Tighten the clamps, reseal the system by using the flange gasket, and tighten it to the recommended torque for your system.
10. Take the compression brake air hoses to the brake armature, which is by the freshly installed brake. Appropriateness a screwdriver to achieve this. With the grommet removed, very accept apart the lower dashboard by removing the screws or disengaging the clips that clout it in community.3.