Repairing the brakes on your Motor lorry doesn't get to ivolve a Journey to the mechanic.
Repairing brakes on any vehicle is normally a work for a trained crack. Nevertheless, it is viable to cut on the calling Homewards. You Testament entail the due tools for the duty. Stipend additional concern to the caliper, rotors and metal slippers as you attempt on the Motor lorry.
1. Hoist the Motor lorry with the floor jack and city jack stands under the frame. In addition, remove the brake pads.3. Put in the new brake pads and the accompanying metal slippers. Use a wench to shut and tighten the bleeder screw. Take off the slider bolts attaching the mounting bracket and the caliper with a socket wrench.
2. Separate the caliper from the brake pads and the rotor. Using a length of wire, hang the caliper from the coil spring. Take off the slipper springs on the top and bottom of the mounting bracket. Remove the lug nuts with the lug wrench, then remove the wheels. Loosen the caliper bleeder screw approximately two turns on the top inside of the caliper using a wrench. Pry the brake pad inward using a screwdriver. Be sure the caliper piston retreats back into the bore.
Place the caliper back in position over the brake pads. Align the mounting bracket holes with the bolt holes. Place the slider bolts in the openings and use a socket wrench to tighten them. Replace the wheel and use a lug wrench to tighten the lug nuts. Remove the jack stands and lower the truck back down. After turning on the engine, pump the brakes several times before driving.