Thursday, July 9, 2015

Replace An Idle Air Control Valve On The Honda

The indolent air management valve (commonly called the IAC valve) helps your Honda keep universal lazy celerity. Replace the mounting bolts and connect the wiring harness. Reconnect your negative battery cable.


1. Turn your engine off and pop your hood and unhook your balky battery cable for safety.

2. Allot the indolent air state valve. The Honda idle air control valve is always at the rear of the intake manifold. The intake manifold is in the rear of the engine bay on front-wheel drive models and on the passenger's side of the engine bay on rear-wheel drive models.

3. Disconnect the wiring harness from the idle air control valve. Press the tab and pull the harness to release it.

4. Remove the two mounting bolts on the side of the idle air control valve. Pull the valve from the vehicle and remove the gasket. The gasket must be discarded.

5. Thoroughly clean the mounting area with a hand towel.

6. Install the new idle air control valve with the new gasket. The valve is electrical and works in conjunction with the throttle object on the intake manifold. A defective inoperative air government valve can aftereffect in irregular indolent quickness and a proof engine cloudless. All Honda vehicles are equipped with lazy air dominion valves. Replacing it Testament be basically the identical for all Hondas.