The glass and the regulator are the window's leading components
Whether the one of the windows on your Dodge Dakota Motor lorry is cracked or broken, you obligation to modify it. Whether the window glass itself is intact on the contrary not rolling up or down properly, the issue is viable the regulator. Provided you call for to moderate the window glass and/or the regulator, you must to receive inside the door by removing the inner trim panel. The exact case can differ depending on the year of the Motor lorry and if or not the door has components cherish speakers installed.
3. Pull the door panel upward to Proceeds its hooks from the door, then hoist it off the door. Disconnect all wiring harness connectors and the handgrip link rod.
Provided the Dakota has textbook windows, office a cloth between the window Eccentric person and the door to disconnect its clip and remove the Eccentric person.
2. Remove the door panel's retaining screws with a screwdriver. Their leading locations are along the panel's backside limit and within the inner door stem.
Removing the Door Panel
1. Pry off the controls for the authority windows using a trim stick.4. Peel back the plastic imbue shield on the door and pry the inner weather seal elsewhere of the door glass opening.
5. Remove the door's speaker by removing its mounting screws, lifting it absent and disconnecting the electrical connector.
Repairing the Window
6. Raise the window to where you can access the glass' retaining nuts, then remove the nuts with a wrench (they may require a Torx wrench).
7. Tilt the glass forward to remove it from the track and then lift it out of the door.
8. Remove the mounting fasteners for the window regulator, unplug the electrical connector and remove the regulator from the door.
9. Install the replacement regulator into the door, bolt it to the door and track and connect the electrical connector.
10. Slide the window glass into the door, fit it into the regulator and track and bolt it in place.
11. Reconnect the inner trim panel in the reverse order of removal.