On a Mitsubishi Eclipse you modify the rear CD brakes right as you complete the front brakes, with one slight characteristic. You must disconnect the parking brake cable from Everyone rear caliper. Peruse as well to memorize convert the rear CD brakes on your Eclipse so you Testament be schooled what to expect.
1. Siphon brake fluid from the proficient cylinder reservoir. Cook this with either a syringe or suction gun. Place the brake fluid aside to transform any needful brake fluid after you moderate the rear CD brakes.
2. Lift the vehicle from the ground using a machine jack. Assist the Eclipse on all sides to prevent falling. Replace the wheels and lower the vehicle.
Locate the wheels aside face up to prevent damage to it.
4. Disengage the emergency brake from inside the vehicle. Remove the parking brake cable.
5. Pull out the caliper lower pin. Rotate the caliper assembly upwards. Secure the caliper assembly with a wire to keep it out of the way.
6. Remove the outer shims, brake pads and spring clips from the caliper support. Push the piston down and into the caliper bore. Grease the areas of contact that slide or rotate with silicone based lubricant.
7. Replace the brake pads, shims and spring clips with the new ones and fasten them to the caliper support. Lay the caliper on the brake pads and install the lower pin, making sure to tighten it securely. Contemplate for children or animals in the globe that may climb underneath the motorcar.3. Hire off the wheels from the Eclipse by loosening the lug nuts with a torque wrench.