Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fix A Damaged Sunroof

Repairing a sunroof is a ball-buster that may or may not profession, so it may be culminating to interchange it, provided it is broken. Determine what is wrong with your broken sunroof by using a 4 mm hex socket to crank the sunroof open as you find the areas in need of repair. You can open the sunroof manually with the assembly on or off.5. Decide if you want to slide the sunroof headliner piece back or not.

Choose the base sunroof you demand. Before starting the project, assemble undeniable all the parts are in your manufactured sunroof repair instruments.

2. Area the template from the sunroof tools on the roof exterior of your vehivle. Eye provided it matches the gap from the broken sunroof. This is to benefit you visualize your labour. Scrutinize the instructions that come with your repair apparatus.

3. Part the sunroof panel from your automobile. Assessment the parts to glare whether they job one at a era. Scrutinize the sunroof thoroughly so you find all the parts that need replacement.

4. Go next these steps to place or repair your broken sunroof.



If you move the headliner back, you will not be able to open the sunroof completely.

6. Remove your broken sunroof once you find the parts that need to be replaced. It will be easier if you fix the broken parts without constraints.

7. Reinstall the fixed sunroof. You will have to make adjustments to the sunroof as you fit it back into the roof exterior.

8. Inspect the seal of the sunroof for leaks. The best way to do this is with some warm water. Test areas slowly, and do not douse the sunroof. Go slow and check for leaks without causing damage to the interior of your car.