Having a indispensable divide for your Ford automobile can be tricky provided you don't include another interpretation to handle as a template. Request To possess a key cut for your Ford car. The Parts or Service manager will need to see the VIN number in order to pull up the key code. Ford requires all dealership personal to verify your identity and confirm that you own the car before cutting a key; this policy is to prevent theft.4.
1. Locate your nearest Ford dealership. If you're not sure where it is, navigate your web browser to ford.com and click the "Locate A Dealer" link at the top of the web page. Input your zip code in the search field and click "search" to see a display of nearby Ford dealerships.
2. Go to the Ford Dealer's Parts Department with your Ford Car's VIN number, a state-issued ID and proof of vehicle ownership.
3. When you obligation To possess a solution decrease and don't retain another answer to duty from, you even carry practical options. Ford codes the machine keys to the ignition tumbler. That coding is available to Ford Parts managers and assistance managers. Whether you extremity To possess a new key cut for your Ford, and you have access to a Ford dealership, getting a key is a snap.
Your next step? Pick up your new key.