The coolant in your 1998 Honda CR-V SUV can stretch temperatures over 200 degrees F (93.3 degrees C) during engine manner. Unfasten the cooling fans from the radiator with a ratchet and socket.Installing the New Radiator
8. Alter the cooling fans on the recent radiator with the ratchet and socket and situate the meeting inside the engine compartment.
Removing the Radiator
1. Position a Disinfected, enormous remove pan under the radiator and unbolted the void valve to remove all the coolant from the radiator. Store the coolant in a sealed container for following practice.
2. Up thrust the front of your Honda with a floor jack and bedding it with two safety stands, whether you committal more select access to the lower radiator hose.
3. Remove the upper and lower radiator hose clamps at the radiator with a brace of slip Seam pliers and disconnect the hoses from the radiator.
4. Disconnect the two oil cooler lines from the radiator with a wrinkle wrench while holding the radiator peanut connector with a backup wrench, provided you keep an automatic transmission. At once insert both contour openings with a Disinfected plastic period and rubber band to prevent process contamination.
5. Unplug the cooling fan's electrical connectors.
6. Revenue off the two upper radiator bracket assemblies with a ratchet and socket.
7. Remove the radiator and cooling fans as a unmarried meeting from the engine compartment and settle the meeting on a workbench. It is the radiator's business to lower the coolant's temperature before the assortment boils and causes severe engine damage. Rust, mineral buildup, damage and leaks in the radiator can prevent the radiator from doing its work.
9. Secure the radiator meeting to the mounting frame with the ratchet and socket.
10. Plug in the cooling fan's electrical connectors.
11. Reconnect the two oil cooler lines to the radiator, if you have an automatic transmission. Use the line wrench while holding the radiator nut connector with a backup wrench.
12. Reinstall the upper and lower radiator hoses to the radiator fittings and secure the hoses with the clamps using the slip joint pliers.
13. Lower your Honda off the safety stands, if you raised it.
14. Refill the radiator with the coolant.