Wednesday, July 8, 2015

File A Pothole Damage Claim In Honolulu

With Honolulu's balmy breezes and pattering tropical rains, you might deduce that pothole problems cause not appear in Honolulu. Include with your claim all report and receipt copies and send to DAGS, Kalanimoku Building, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813.8. Wait up to three months while a decision is made on your claim.

1. Log the pothole site, with the exact label.

2. Proceeds a photograph of the pothole and any damage it caused your vehicle.

3. Obtain witness information and make a copy of a police report, if applicable.

4. Determine if your accident occurred on a state or city roadway. State roadways are excluded from claims to the city and include H-1, H-2, H-3, Kahekili, Kalaniana'ole, Pali, Likelike, Kamehameha, Nimitz, and Ala Moana.

5. Call (808) 523-4115 and request a claim form from the Department of Accounting and General Services.

6. Perform repairs, being sure to obtain receipts for all work done on your vehicle.

7. Fill out the form, including your contact information and the date, time and location of the incident. Nevertheless, those rains can pelt and pummel the roadways and Honolulu ranks among the worst in the state for urban roadway conditions. Whether you and your motorcar obtain fallen into one of this metropolis's potholes, Announcement the pothole so the conurbation can calendar the allot. Then, cook a repair reimbursement asseverate to the metropolis.
