Monday, July 6, 2015

Repair Plastic Bumper Scuffs

Tiny spaces and copious vehicles cause Exceedingly parking plenty bumper scuffs.

You can repair plastic bumper scuffs to restore the observe of a damaged vehicle. Collisions and scrapes that buffet plastic bumpers seldom reason them to fracture or dent. The resilient plastic facts does tend to expo scuff marks and lose or pick up colouring at the purpose of contact. Fixing the scuffed plastic bumper Homewards could Identical resources in the hundreds of dollars. Go back a bumper to the case it was in before an accident by eliminating all visible scuff marks.


1. Wash the scuffed section of the bumper with a mild detergent and soft sponge. Dry the cleaned area completely.

2. Dab a small amount of wax on the corner of a folded towel and work it into the scuff marks in a tight circular motion applying medium pressure. Some of the paint left behind from the other vehicle or object may come off completely from the light abrasion of the wax and towel.

3. Sand the more stubborn areas of the scuff marks with a fine grit sanding sponge. Move the sponge back and forth across the length of the scuffed area using light pressure to even out the remaining paint on the surface of the bumper.

4. Clean the bumper a second time with the mild detergent and soft sponge to remove any particulate matter generated by the sanding. Dry the surface thoroughly.

6. Spray the plastic primer on the prepared section of the bumper in light coats. Allow dry time according to the label on the primer and sand the surface smooth after each layer dries.

5. Apply masking tape to the area surrounding the damage and cover larger areas of the car and bumper with flattened brown paper grocery bags. Full coverage for 3 feet in every direction is usually sufficient to prevent over spray on the undamaged panels. Three layers of primer are usually sufficient to get full even coverage.

7. Coat the primed bumper section with three layers of color-matched paint allowing sufficient dry time between each layer. Touch-up paint is available for the specific color of the car model from most new car dealers.

8. Peel away the tape and brown paper after the last layer of paint has dried completely. Use the sanding sponge to lightly sand the edges where the new paint meets with the old. Fade the border between the repaired and original sections even more by spraying a little more color very lightly around the edges.