Monday, July 6, 2015

Repair Plastic Bumpers

Repair Plastic Bumpers

Bumper repairs can be expensive. While your plastic bumpers are specifically designed to bear usual scratches and dents caused by accidents, you Testament never be versed when another grim damage may arise. Instead of bringing your vehivle's plastic bumper to a specialist, you can allot a plastic bumper that's cracked or in exigency of tint.


1. Scuff the plastic bumper's damaged area using 80-grit sandpaper. Scrape the sandpaper across the bumper from every side. Doing this Testament grant your repair distemper to adhere to the damaged globe or surface extended easily.

2. Situate on the plastic gloves and pour a exact inconsiderable extent of plastic prep solvent onto the rag. Disinfected newly-scuffed bumper area by wiping your rag across it. Mop the world in one trail exclusive.

3. Combine the repair adhesive and hardener well-organized on a section of the cardboard.

6. Smooth the area with the 80-grit sandpaper as soon as it has dried completely.7. Leave this to dry for at least 20 minutes.

5. Use the second squeegee to apply a thin coat of the plastic filler over the damaged area. Do not apply a very thick layer of the filler, or you may have a hard time sanding it off.

4. Spread the hardener and the repair adhesive mixture across the damaged area of the bumper. Use the squeegee to equally distribute the hardener and adhesive.

Pour the paint into the paint sprayer and use this to apply two to three coats of paint on the bumper area for repair. Let the paint dry for at least Day and night.