Insulating an exhaust method helps prevent engine overheating.
Wrap the pipes in adhesive header wrap tape. Use scissors to cut the pieces into 2 foot long pieces and wrap the exhaust pipes one small section at a time. This way you do not have to remove the pipes from the inside of the car. You can also use thermal ties to hold non-adhesive header wrap in place.
1. Work on the exhaust system when the engine has been cold for several hours. If you used the car that day, wait until the following morning to work on the exhaust system to protect your hands. Clean the exhaust pipes with a degreasing cleanser and a soft cloth. This eliminates all dirt and grease from the pipes and helps the insulation material stick to the exhaust pipes better.
2.A piece of heat can escape from the metal surrounding the exhaust manner inside a van or other vehicle. There are diverse ways that you can add extended insulation to the exhaust step to avail involve and administration some of the excess heat. These insulation methods are inexpensive, elementary to install and Testament cook up all a bit of contrariness in the immensity of heat that escapes from the exhaust system.
3. Install a reflective shield to a solid panel above the muffler pipes for additional heat shielding and insulation. Use pop rivets to hold the shield in place under the panel.
4. Tape over any holes in the firewall or engine bed with reflective heat tape. This prevents the heat from escaping out of the exhaust system and into other parts of the vehicle.
5. Install a muffler cover over the muffler system for additional insulation. Attach the muffler cover with high temperature contact adhesive.