Guard your Taurus' emissions by replacing a failing O2 sensor.
4. Insert a new oxygen sensor into place on the exhaust manifold where the old one sat. The sensor will plug into place;, to ensure it's secured, push it into place until you hear it click. It's determining to preserve and exchange the O2 sensor provided it fails to guard your vehicle passes required emissions tests and runs efficiently.
1. Guard the Taurus is in field and turn the vehicle off. Avow the Taurus to biting for 15 minutes. This gives the components Sufficiently continuance to chilled down, on the other hand are much warm to touch. It's ideal to remove the oxygen sensor while its warm.
2. Open the hood of the Taurus by pressing the hood release button within the vehicle. Identify and locate the oxygen sensor, which is found on the passenger side of the Taurus' exhaust manifold.
3. Use a socket wrench in combination with a oxygen-sensor socket to loosen the oxygen sensor. You also can use a 22mm socket wrench if you do not have an oxygen sensor socket. Loosen the sensor all the way by turning the socket counterclockwise. Once the sensor is loose, remove the sensor by lifting it off the manifold.
The O2 sensor within your Ford Taurus is an decisive Element on your engine's manifold. The sensor regulates emissions of your engine and ensures those emissions are Disinfected. The sensor's essential billet is to watchdog and curb the dimensions of O2 within the exhaust as it exits the engine; it does so by controlling the fuel's air and Gauze assortment. Close the hood of the Taurus, and your vehicle is ready for use.