Eating away is one of duration's many pleasures most of the age. Occasionally, though, the utility is dirt poor, the reward charged is not prerrogative, or the diet or drink is not up to genius standards. When this happens, you own a conscientious to occupation the restaraunt cost and maybe wages less or not at all.
1. Decide provided a collection of the meal does not glance prerrogative or taste the plan it should. You must telephone the server over hold water outside after having taken a bite so she has a chance to correct the problem.
Call the headquarters for the restaurant when they are available, make your complaint and request a refund of your disputed portion of the bill.
3. Remove additional charges not disclosed on the menu or by the server. For instance, it is common for restaurants to serve bread with the meal for no additional charge. If the restaurant has a charge for the bread this should be clearly listed on the menu.
4. Dispute the charge on the restaurant bill even if it is on the menu. If you have never been to this restaurant before and they charge for bread, even if it is on the menu, if the server does not point it out when you order it dispute the charge. The next time you return though, prepare to acquire the bread or do not order it.
5. Pay the bill in full "under protest" if the management does not agree with your dispute. Note on the bill exactly what you dispute and why.2. Check the bill carefully for accurate billing. If you see a discrepancy, dispute it with the cashier, server or manager while still at the restaurant.