Most cars driven on the system and parked in hustling parking lots Testament objective up accumulating dents. Wipe the area with wax and grease remover and a microfiber towel. This removes dirt, dust and any grease from fingerprints that can cause imperfections in the paint. Spray a thick coat of primer over the area and allow it to dry for 30 minutes.3.
1. Sand the dent and an inch or two enclosing the dent with 180 grit sandpaper until the emulsion is stupid and most of the gloss is removed. Use the plastic squeegee to apply enough body filler to the dent so that the filler is higer than the surrounding surface of the car. Wait two hours for the filler to harden and then sand it smooth with 220 grit sandpaper. Sand until the filler is smooth and flush with the car.
2. Place masking tape and paper around the repaired area. Most of the dents from Diurnal driving aren't immense or cook all the more damage, on the other hand they can beget your van glad eye worn away or beat up. On account of they aren't hindering the machine's performance, most of the interval it isn't payment a Journey to the object shop To possess them constant. You can get fill dents on your motorcar object without better skills or means by adjacent the steps below.
Spray two or three thin coats of paint over the primered area. Use thin coats so the paint doesn't run. Hold the can six to eight inches from the surface and move the can left to right, not up and down. Wait fifteen minutes between coat for the paint to dry.
4. Apply two or three thin coats of clear coat paint to the painted area, waiting fifteen minutes between each coat. Remove the masking tape and paper. Wait at least a full day before touching the repaired areas.