Friday, May 29, 2015

Replace Freeze Plugs

Replacing your engine block's freeze plugs Testament protect your Engine from austere damage.

Freeze plugs are expansion units inserted into the sides of engine blocks. Freeze plugs protect against damage incurred to the engine resulting from Very cold. The plugs respond to a potential freeze of the engine block by protruding outward. Freeze plugs play an integral role in engine process as they prevent the engine from needing a the works service. You Testament essential to moderate leaking or damaged freeze plugs to insure the safety of your engine block.


1.3. Disinfected the inside of the area where the plug is inserted with the cloth.4. Place the damaged or leaking freeze plug. Freeze plugs are located on the side of the engine block. Application the punch to the side of the plug and establish to remove the plug using the hammer.

2. Remove the plug entirely from the engine block using the pliers.

Remove the engine block from the automobile provided credible. Removing the engine block Testament miss the overhaul of a competent mechanic. You Testament be able to transform a freeze plug without removing the engine block.

Insert the new freeze plug into the empty socket, using the front of the seal driver to pop the plug into place. You can use the seal driver or the hammer to tap the plug in further. Use your fingers to make sure the plug is secured.

5. Apply some sealant on the plug for extra measure.