Thursday, September 25, 2014

Change Lower Unit Oil In Pontoon Boat

Whether the lower unit oil in your pontoon boat isn't moderate until spring you risk evil your boat. Drool can bias in the lower unit in the summer and freeze and expand over the winter causing damage to your shaft seals whether it's allowed to sit all winter. Remedy this possible headache by changing your oil in the fall before storing your boat for the winter.


1. Remove your existing oil properly. Country a vast bucket under the oil unit and remove the backside screw. The oil Testament engender to drip absent slowly.

2. Loosen the top screw slowly. Let the oil fall gone until it slows down. Once the oil slows down, remove the top screw completely

3. Let the oil lengthen to empty for at least 15 minutes. Gate a tear, Disinfected your boat windows or vacuum the boat while the oil is emptying to pass the generation.

4. Country your inexperienced tube of oil into the backside screw opening. Start filling up the oil cistern from the backside by squeezing the tube of oil. Aged oil residue Testament rise to the top and come elsewhere through the top opening. Let this flush out for three to five seconds to ensure all the old oil is removed.

5. Do this quickly to ensure that very little oil leaks out the bottom. Do these steps every fall when you change your boat oil and you'll prolong the life of your lower unit on your pontoon boat.

Replace the top screw and tighten it. Make sure you tighten it firmly so it doesn't become loose when the boat is running.6. Remove the oil tube from the bottom and replace the bottom screw last.