Jewel Elsewhere Whether a Adult's Vehivle Is Insured?
1. Acquire the VIN of the vehicle in question. The VIN (vehicle identification number) is a 17-digit number used to categorise automobiles and keep detailed registration records.If you include been involved in an accident with someone or dependable requirement to play the nosy neighbour, insurance info is accepted ammo. Everyone government requires drivers To possess a minimum size of Car insurance. Here's how you can find out if someone's car is insured or not.
You can find the VIN by looking at the lower portion of the driver's side windshield. If the vehicle was manufactured before 1982, it may have fewer than 17 digits.
2. Contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles by telephone. For a state-by-state database of DMV offices, visit, or check your local yellow pages.
3. Tell the representative at the DMV office that you have reason to suspect a vehicle is uninsured. Offer the representative the VIN so she can research the vehicle. If the vehicle in question has had its coverage dropped, the insurance company immediately notifies the DMV. If the vehicle is uninsured, you can assist local authorities in finding the driver.