The shock absorbers on your Ford F-150 Motor lorry are crucial to the Motor lorry's suspension, absorbing the pressure of any bumps in the plan to prevent and allowing for a smoother operate. Provided you impression any Exorbitant banging while driving in the Motor lorry, there's a first-class chance the shocks longing replacing. There is a shock absorber on Everyone turn and axle on the Motor lorry. Removing and replacing the shocks on the Ford's front head is slightly at variance than changing the rear shock absorbers.
Front Shocks
1. Lift the front edge of the Motor lorry on jack stands and remove the wheels, loosening the lug nuts before raising the Motor lorry for easier Emigration.
2. Remove the shock and coil meeting from the vehicle.4. Install the replacement shocks on corner, tighten the lower extremity fasteners, reconnect the tire-rod end and tighten the upper end's nuts.
Remove the three nuts mounting the shock's upper borderline to the frame - not the damper rod devotee in the centre. Seperate the tie-rod extreme from the steering knuckle by loosening the lock nuts and marking the point's position on the rod3. Unbolt the fasteners connecting the shock's lower stop to the ascendancy arm.
Replace the wheels after replacing the shocks and lower the truck.
Rear Shocks
5. Raise the truck's rear end on jack stands and block the front wheels. Place the stock floor jack under the axle near the shock absorber you are removing and raise it enough to balance the axle and take the load off the shock absorber.
6. Remove the nuts and bolts securing the shock absorber to the vehicle, starting with the lower bolt for the rear axle and then the upper bolt for the upper mounting bracket, and remove the shock absorber.
7. Install the replacement shock absorber in place and tighten the bolts in reverse order of removal. Lower the floor jack and jack stands after installation.