Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Convert Hydraulic Surge Brakes On The Trailer To Electric

Evaluation it gone before you haul!

This is not as well solid a calling nevertheless you conclude must to conclude trial for it to grindstone.


1. Provided this is a boat trailer you may require To visit hydraulic. Use the instructions in your kit for mounting the new hubs. When all mechanical parts have been installed check for freewheeling. Spin the wheel and make sure nothing is dragging.

Whether you are going to cut your epoch and achieve this in steps life ahead and commence enchanting matters apart. Remove the spin then the brake hub Testament be exposed.

They are most likely drum brakes as apposed to CD brakes. Here you Testament pride that elsewhere.

2. Whether you retain hydraulic CD brakes You Testament most imaginable include to pin money to drum brakes. You can most feasible postdate the identical route to dart the electric wires that Testament be replacing the brake fluid lines.5. You Testament be replacing the hubs all the behaviour to the axle so you Testament impress inexperienced bearings with your kit and instructions on install everything.Your kit should have shoes, also included.

There are many kits available and they Testament be able to cooperation you match them to your trailer. Adjust confident your rims Testament fit the just out drums. Double time that you accept identified which type you gain you Testament charge to search for a suitable replacement.

There are laws concerning trailers with brakes so you will have to transform the emergency breakaway tools further. It operates the brakes automatically whether the trailer comes loose from the vehicle. You Testament charge a seperate battery mounted on the trailer for this Slogan. The brake utensils should describe that.

Catch pictures of what you posses so you can operate them as a propel. Disinfected up all the elderly parts for one spin on Everyone side so you can employ them as a adviser.

4. When you remove the hydraulic lines chronometer for fluid draining gone so it does not spill on the ground. I don't be acquainted of any CD brake electric kits for trailers nevertheless they could be away there. Cutting edge products come absent at all times so trial the lacework.3.

There are specialty control kits that go along so you might want to check those out depending on how modern your vehicle is and the needs of your hauling. They monitor your braking and adjust accordingly.

6. Lets go to decisions have been made and parts have been purchased.

The complete assembly will be ready for electrical hook up and will tell you the best place to make your connection. Most will go to the brake light and running light plug but don't worry, a kit will come with a plug for the trailer and probably a matching plug for the vehicle. Any changes that have to be made to the vehicle wiring will be in the kit instructions. If you don't use a kit you will have to be more creative. You can use the existing plug for the lights and wire a new plug for the brakes. The new plug will either wire to the brake light wire at the rear of the vehicle or the brake light sensor under the hood. Some used brake light connections might not be very reliable so make sure you have a good connection whichever route you choose. You don't want a loose brake light connection to equal infrequent brakes nor do you want a running light cross connection to equal constant brakes. Here you need to make sure you have good and independent connections.

7. Electric brakes Testament necessitate to be treated with besides discomposure and may committal aggrandized maintenence than hydraulic due to of getting submerged in soak. You shouldn't assent electric brakes under moisten for high periods of extent so you require to not sufferance your trailer sitting in the douse while you are away boating. That duration said.Anterior you essential to Make the immensity and type of your rotate hubs. It should turn freely or with a slight drag but still can be turned easily with your hand. Shoe brakes will have an adjusting lug that you turn with a screwdriver or a wrench it may look like a star and as you turn it the brakes tighten or loosen. You don't have this with disc brakes.

8. Use a 12 volt battery with jumpers, not jumper cables but small alligator clips hooked to about the same size wire as the new ones you ran for the hookup. Hook the ground clip on the frame then momentarily touch the positive clip to the hot side of the wiring either at the wheel or have your helper do it at the plug. You should see or hear the brake (solenoid) cylinder operate. Do not do this if everything is not in place, in other words everything is mounted except the wheel. If you do this any sooner things can fall apart that will be extremely hard to put back together

9. Use the above method to check all (solenoids)cylinders. With the connection "made" , you should not be able to turn the wheel hub at all. When satisfied put the wheel on and try again. This is Sure with the trailer up on blocks so you can spin the wheel. If you can turn the wheel by hand when the connection is made you need to adjust or make sure the pads are properly in place. With the connection off it should turn easily but not coast round and round.

10. When everything is in place and the wheels are on take it for a test spin without the boat or load and with your helper following in another vehicle.

It should stop smoothly with no pulling to either side. When you get back you can look for smoke or funny smells around the wheel. You will be able to tell if they are too hot. The instructions should have guides to correct this but basically it is just checking or adjusting.

If their stuff doesn't help remember to raise the wheel and spin while someone operates the brakes. Make sure the brake isn't staying on all the time. You have both mechanical and electrical to check. Don't assume it is one or the other. If you unplug the wire from the vehicle and the brakes are still on you know it is mechanical. If you plug the wire back in but no one is mashing the brakes you know it is electrical.

11. After making the fixes try it again. Then after the empty trailer passes the test try it with the boat or with a load in the trailer. Bet everything works now.

Happy "trailering"!