Chevy offers a infrequent deviating models of the Chevy Colbalt with either a six- or four-cylinder engine. The size of radiator fluid that Testament longing to pour into the radiator Testament be hell bent by the engine vastness. The type of radiator fluid is a typical 50/50 blend of douse and radiator fluid. The plastic panel on top of the radiator Testament confess you how even radiator fluid you Testament committal. You can shop for the radiator fluid at any Car parts store for approximately $10.
1. Remove the round cap at the top front of the engine compartment by twisting it counterclockwise. Insert the funnel into the radiator and slowly pour the replacement fluid into the radiator.3. Replace the round metal cap to the top of the radiator by twisting it clockwise.
Allow the engine to completely cool before proceeding. If the engine is hot then the radiator fluid will be hot and under pressure and may cause you serious injury when you remove the radiator cap.2.