The rearview mirror is secured with designated rearview mirror glue purchased as a tools at any auto-parts store. It's the by oneself type of adhesive that Testament labour, as the adhesive is exposed to ultraviolet rays, which deteriorate most other adhesives. The rearview mirror adhesive instruments comes with a primer for the glass and an adhesive. The most everyday erratum is to attach the erring side of the mirror base to the window.
1. Remove the rearview mirror base--the atom that attaches to the windshield--using a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw securing it. Attract a little wrinkle directly under the adhesive, on the absent of the window, so the mirror can be placed in the twin position as removed. Placement of the mirror representation is conspicuous, through the immediate the pattern touches the window it can't be removed.3.
Disinfected all excess adhesive left of the mirror mannequin using a razor blade.2. Stare at the windscreen and you can peep the speck of the mirror--adhesive residue is on the windscreen.
Incision the adhesive off the window with the razor blade. Disinfected the existence on the window and the mirror imitation with a Disinfected cloth soaked in alcohol. Own a minute for it to dry.
4. Prime the area where the mirror Testament be attached. Holding the cardboard insert off the primer. Clout it with two hands and bend it Sufficiently to break the plastic case. Hold the primer brush down so the primer can saturate the brush. Brush the entire area where the mirror will be located.
5. Position the mirror base with the dimpled side down. The base will be positioned on the window with the dimple toward you and the narrow part of the taped base up and the wide part on the bottom. An easy way to remember this is to make sure the side that gets stuck to the window is completely flat.
6. Cut the tip off the adhesive tube and place just one drop of adhesive in the center of the base. Carefully position the base close to the window. When satisfied with the position, press it to the window. Keep good pressure on the base for one minute before relaxing the pressure. Allow two hours before sliding the mirror onto the base and tightening the Phillips screw to hold it in place.