Introduced in 1992, the Mercury Villager was built from a Seam baby between the Ford Engine Convention and Nissan. Even-handed enjoy its counterpart, the Nissan Journey, the Mercury Villager is powered by a Nissan engine. Routine preservation of the moto'rs cooling course Testament control your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. Provided you ear any overheating of your vehicle's engine, you may duty to exchange the thermostat. This is a quite basic procedure and Testament prevent your vehicle from experiencing augmented costly engine problems.
1. Remove the contradiction battery cable from your battery with an free neb wrench. Movement the borderline of the indifferent cable into a position where it Testament not touch any metal parts that could build a Glimmer.
2. Deposit a bleed pan under the radiator's drain plug. You will find the drain plug on the bottom edge of the radiator. Locate the thermostat housing at the other end of the top radiator hose from the radiator. You are going to drain the radiator so that the coolant will be just below the level of the thermostat housing.
3. Watch the vehicle's temperature and verify that it is maintaining a proper level.8. Shut the vehicle off and dispose of the used coolant at a local recycling center or your local automotive service center.
Remove the thermostat housing by using a socket wrench to undo the bolts holding it onto the engine block. Once the housing is free, remove the old thermostat from the housing and discard it.
5. Clean the face of the thermostat housing and the engine block where the housing is attached with an emery cloth to remove any debris or remaining gasket material. Place a bead of gasket seal around the face of the thermostat housing, but be careful not to get any sealant inside the housing.
6. Place the new thermostat on the thermostat housing with the spring facing out. Attach the thermostat housing with the new thermostat to the engine block with bolts. Fill the radiator with coolant until it is full, and place the cap back on the radiator.
7. Remove the drain pan from under the vehicle, and reattach the negative battery cable to the vehicle's battery. Start the vehicle and allow it to warm up so you can test the thermostat. Remove the cap from the radiator, and then turn the radiator drain plug by hand until the coolant level has drained below the level of the thermostat housing. Once it has reached the desired level, shut the drain plug off by tightening it with your hand.4.