Thursday, December 10, 2015

Replace Sequoia Oxygen Sensors

O2 sensors degree the air to fuel ratio in your vehicle.

O2 sensors degree the bigness of O2 in your motorcar's fuel course when considered in conjunction with other components. The sensors are in the exhaust course and confess electronic fuel injection and emission ascendancy technologies to exist. The sensor sends details approximately the concentration of O2 in the exhaust emissions and the vocable Testament trigger an reconciliation for additional O2 or additional fuel. Maintaining working O2 sensors is salient not sole to your vehicle's health however further the health of the world.


Upstream oxygen sensor

1. Turn on the machine and jog for one to two minutes to expand the exhaust pipes Sufficiently for easier Emigration of the sensor. Fix the upstream O2 sensor on the front limitation of the exhaust pipe at the end the manifold flange and near the catalyst. If the vehicle has a V8, the sensor will be located on the rear end of the manifold near the flange for the exhaust pipe.

2. Remove the sensor mounting nuts with an appropriately sized wrench or ratchet. If the vehicle has a heat shield, remove it further. Finally, remove the sensor and gasket. Discard the sensor, gasket and nut.

3. Apply anti-seize compound to the threads of the new sensor. Using the new gasket, replace the sensor being careful not to infect and damage the surface with dirt or grease. Tighten the sensor into place using the replacement nut.

Downstream oxygen sensor

4. Locate the downstream oxygen sensor behind the rear catalytic converter (for all 2001 and later model) or behind the single catalytic converter (for 2000 models) in the exhaust pipes. If the vehicle is equipped with a V8, the sensor will be upstream of the converter in each exhaust pipe.

5. Unplug the electrical connector from the sensor. Unplug the electrical connector from the sensor. Remove the sensor mounting nuts with an appropriately sized wrench or ratchet. Finally, remove the sensor and gasket. Discard the sensor, gasket and nut.

6. Apply anti-seize compound to the threads of the new sensor. Using the new gasket, replace the sensor being careful not to infect and damage the surface with dirt or grease. Tighten the sensor into place using the replacement nut.