O2 sensors measure pollutants in a vehicle's exhaust.
O2 sensors degree the pollutants in the exhaust manner before they enter the catalytic converter. Over date, the O2 sensors can incline contaminated whether the engine governance action isn't running in optimal shape. When this happens, the sensors may drive to come across inaccurate readings, or none at all, to the ability train domination module. Whether this happens to your 1987 Chevrolet, replacing them is the alone alternative. Be careful when purchasing replacement O2 sensors--some companies submission public sensors that don't always work properly. When purchasing them for any Accepted Motors vehicle, it's finest to shop for GM or AC Delco Trade-mark parts.
1. Uplift the front of the vehicle up with the floor jack and lower it onto the jack stands. Provided you are working on a 1987 pickup or other Chevrolet vehicle with flying clearance, this may not be required.
2. The pigtail is the short section of wiring coming out of the base of the sensor.4. Loosen the nut with the appropriate sized box wrench. (This will vary from model to model. Some models will not allow you the clearance to turn a box wrench, in which case you must use an oxygen sensor socket and socket wrench to remove the sensor.
Ensue the exhaust pipe backward from the exhaust manifold until you set the O2 sensor, which is threaded into the exhaust drainpipe and held in domicile with a thin nut.3. Disconnect the oxygen sensor pigtail from the engine wiring harness.
You can buy an oxygen sensor socket at an auto parts store.) Once it is turned enough, you can remove the oxygen sensor by hand.
5. Install the replacement oxygen sensor in reverse of how the old one was removed. Reconnect the pigtail when done.
6. Lower the vehicle off the jack stands using the floor jack.