Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Take Away The Flywheel From The Small Engine Lawnmower

Removing the flywheel from a lawnmower engine can be ball-buster.

When preparing to overtake a lawnmower engine, you Testament obligation to recognize remove a obdurate flywheel from the crankshaft. Some flywheels alone committal a babyish persuasion with a couple of wedges tapped into inverse sides between the flywheel rim and the crankcase. Others require earmarked tools in progression to speed Emigration without causing damage. In remarkable cases, corrosion end by galvanic ball game between the steel crankshaft and the aluminium casting bonds the parts well-adjusted, creation the flywheel model arduous to remove without applying characteristic techniques.


1. Deliver two or three heavy blows to the end of the wheel puller shaft with an engineer's hammer. The flywheel will then pop free. Remove the half-moon shaped or oblong key from the slot machined into the end of the crankshaft.

Push a deep quota of wooden doweling into the Glimmer plug gap. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise while urgent the dowel against the top of the piston. When the piston reaches the backside of its stroke, withdraw the dowel. Part a 12-inch length of decrepit starter rope into the Glimmer plug gap to behave as a buffer. Keep at to turn the flywheel counterclockwise until the piston is jammed against the wadded rope and the cylinder head.

3. Undo the flywheel nut by turning it counterclockwise with the correct size open-ended wrench. You may have to tap the wrench with a hammer to loosen the flywheel nut.

4. Unscrew the center shaft of a three-armed wheel puller enough to enable you to place the end of the shaft against the end of the crankshaft, and to hook the ends of the three withdrawal camps of the wheel puller arms over the inside rim of the flywheel. Hold the wheel puller arms in place while you tighten the center wheel puller bolt with an open-ended wrench. Have someone hold the lawnmower steady. Pull the wrench clockwise to tighten the bolt until the flywheel either pops loose, or until the puller center shaft will not go any farther without breaking the flywheel.

5. Unscrew the Glimmer plug by slotting a tubular spark plug wrench over the plug and turning the wrench counterclockwise. Remove the engine embrace by undoing the bolts holding the page metal to the crankcase with a socket wrench cranked counterclockwise.2. Put the small key in a safe place for later installation.