Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Relocate A Tailgate Handle

The tailgate on most trucks are govern and smooth apart from for the tailgate practice. For those custom Motor lorry enthusiasts who yen a completely smooth gander, the tailgate stock can be shaved. To deal in the tailgate functional though, the tailgate must much get a working utilize. Applicability a tailgate knob relocator utensils and relocate the tailgate stock on the Motor lorry. This can be done in under 30 minutes using a unusual tools.


1. Select off any plastic trim pieces from around the out of the tailgate hold. These can be pried off gently by your fingers and should pop off of the tailgate.

2. Remove the three Torx bolts from the bottom of the tailgate handle, inside the bed of the truck. The bolts hold a metal panel in place.4. Place the new linkage bars from the kit onto the handle and install it back into the tailgate, with the handle facing the truck. Place the new frame from the kit around the tailgate handle to seal the area.

Pull the panel off once the bolts are removed.3. Pull the handle out of the tailgate and use the flat screwdriver to pry the linkage bars off each side of the handle.