Monday, October 12, 2015

Bypass A Catalytic Ripper tools

Bypass a Catalytic Converter

Permit the vehivle to refreshing provided it has been pace recently.2. Crawl under the vehicle and spray penetrating fluid onto the holding bolts on Everyone foot of the catalytic converter (the converter is located on the exhaust process near the front of the vehicle) and spare it to work in for a few minutes.

1. Pull the vehicle onto a team of Car ramps and place the parking brake. Accommodation rotate chocks under the rear wheels.A catalytic converter is chief to your vehicle's emission manner; it functions by transforming "unprepared" exhaust into less environmentally dangerous gases. There are hardly any instances in which it is allowable to remove the catalytic converter and install a bypass main. Whether a vehicle has elevated milage, the converter can pass into clogged, causing the vehicle's performance to suffer; a bypass pipe then is installed in settle of the converter as a troubleshooting thing to examine whether the vehicle's performance returns to mean with the converter removed.


3. Unplug the oxygen sensor wiring harness from the converter (if equipped). Loosen and remove the converter holding bolts with an adjustable wrench, in a counterclockwise direction, and set them aside.

4. Lower the converter to the ground and set it aside. Place the bypass pipe into the exhaust system where the converter was removed. Use the original converter bolts to attach the bypass pipe, and tighten them with an adjustable wrench in a clockwise direction.

5. Remove the wheel chocks and back the vehicle off of the ramps. Road test the vehicle. Re-install the original converter or install a new one in place of the test pipe in the reverse order.