An internal combustion engine creates a commonplace vacuum when the fuel/air combination is ignited. Automakers situate this vacuum to excellent handle by manufacture it potential colorful valves and solenoids. On situation, the rubber and plastic vacuum lines or vacuum-powered Element can crack or crack, creating a leak. A leaking vacuum step on your 1999 Blazer can basis infant running issues or may all the more reason the SUV not to jog at all. On account of vacuum leaks are sometimes firm to asset, a smoke tool is used to good buy the leak.
1. Plain the Blazer's hood and set the brake booster (the brake skilled cylinder is bolted to this Element). Receive the hose clamp on the rubber vacuum hose connecting to the top of the booster with pliers and pull it about 3 inches down the hose. Pull the vacuum hose from the booster.
2.4. Plug in the smoke machine and turn it on. Wait for the Blazer's vacuum system to fill with smoke. Refer to the smoke machine's documentation for the exact time to wait.
Insert the tapered fitting on the end of the smoke machine's hose into the vacuum hose.3. Open the smoke machine's lid and pour in the UV dyed smoke liquid. Refer to the smoke machine's instructions for the exact amount of fluid, as this varies between models.
5. Put on the UV glasses and use the UV light to examine the entire engine. Any dye leaking from a vacuum line or vacuum-powered component indicates a leak. The dyed smoke has a florescent yellow tint when the UV light shines on it.
6. Repair any leaks found and continue checking for other leaks.