Friday, December 5, 2014

Develop A Simple Small Ramp

Call a manageable little acclivity when loading or unloading items from a motorhome.

When it comes to owning and operating an RV, there are times when a picnic little acclivity comes in handy. For example, whether you obligation to turn items in and outside of the motor home, a mini ramp can functioning improved than the pop-out stairs commonly included.


1. Degree the Breadth of the Engine habitation door and subtract 2 inches. The finished ramp should be slightly narrower than the door.

2. You now have a simple mini ramp for your motor home .

Cut the plywood using your saw.

4. Secure each medium-gauge bracket onto the plywood by screwing one side into the larger piece of plywood and the other side to the 4-inch lip. Mark the width on the 3/4 sheet of plywood with a pencil, then cut the plywood.3. Create a lip for your ramp that will rest in the door of the motor home. On the remaining plywood piece, measure 4 inches from the top of the plywood and draw a line across the entire piece parallel with the top edge.