Whether you are having problems with your 1996 Chevy and you carry positive to discharge the repair office yourself, you Testament demand to gem gone correctly what is faulty with the vehicle. All vehicles manufactured in 1996 or following corner On Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems that produce codes to distinguish problems for mechanics. With the support of an OBD-II reader, you can pay for the problem codes in under five minutes.
2. Turn on the reader. It will initialize and then read the vehicle's computer for diagnostic codes.
1. Plug the male end of the OBD-II code reader cord into the 16-pin female port on your vehicle. The port is located in the foot well on the driver's side. The reader will then display the codes on the screen. Some higher-end readers will also tell you what the code means.
3. Look up the code in your vehicle's service manual if the reader only displays the code. The manual gives a diagnostic description for each OBD-II code.