Monday, December 8, 2014

Develop A Window Header

Whenever a window is included in a building, it requires a header to bear the weight of the floors or roof above it. Window headers are typically specious of 2-by-12 boards nailed well-adjusted. The window is framed by using jack studs on either side of the opening that terminate at the location where the window header Testament be placed. On the other side of the jack studs are king studs that flow from floor to ceiling. The window header is placed on top of the jack studs and nailed to the kaiser studs from the side and toe-nailed into the jack stud.


1. Degree the distance between the imperator studs to drive the length of the header.

2. Cut a piece of 1/2-inch plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) to use as a spacer between the header boards. Cut it to the same length and height as the header boards.4.

Section two header boards to length. Advantage 2-by-12 boards.3.

Assemble the header by sandwiching the spacer piece of plywood or OSB between the two pieces of header board and nailing them together. Nail from both sides of the header.