Depiciton a machine or having a van painted by a able can quickly add up to thousands of dollars. There are places to select your van for a budget distemper business, however they are normally elementary colouring jobs that don't behind especial elongate. You can become able stain your van on a budget and save chicamin on the other hand much extreme up with a element colouring berth that Testament behind and protect your machine from the elements.
1. Insert all emblems, chrome and other trim with masking tape to protect them from being sanded. Sand the entire car with 180 grit sandpaper using a sanding block. This removes any peeling, chipped or old paint on the car. Wipe the car down with wax and grease remover using a microfiber towel.
2. Place masking tape and paper over the glass, tires and wheels, lights and other areas that won't be painted. Spray the car with a thin coat of primer. Wait thirty minutes after spraying before touching the car. Sand lightly, just enough to smooth the primer, which dries rough. This allows for a smooth surface for the paint. Wipe the car again with wax and grease remover to remove sanding dust and all fingerprints.4.
The primer helps protect the car and helps the coats of paint go further since the primer makes the car all the same color.3. Sand the primered surface with the 220 grit sandpaper and a sanding block.
Paint the car with two coats of automotive paint. Allow thirty minutes between coats for the paint to dry. Spray two coats of clear coat paint on the car, allowing thirty minutes between coats. Carefully remove all masking paper and masking tape. Wait a full Day and night before driving or touching the car.