Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cutting A Part Of A Side Vehicle Molding Off

Machine side moulding is form on many types of cars and adds request and beauty to a automobile. This moulding is false of plastic or rubber and typically runs horizontally across both sides of the machine. Over chronology, this moulding can mature worn and damaged. Fixed usage and the opening and closing of doors can head to a essential to modify this moulding.


1. Spray lubricant on the moulding, commencement at one objective and spraying up to the point that will be cut off. Move back and forth to completely cover the side molding, and wait 10 minutes so the lubricant can settle and begin to work.

4. Spray adhesive remover over the area from where the molding was removed, and wait 30 minutes for it to properly work. Wipe away the excess adhesive remover and adhesive that remained from the molding with the microfiber cloth until it is perfectly clean.

3. Work underneath the molding down the piece until the desired location is reached where the molding will be cut off. Remove the plastic scraper from underneath the molding, and cut it at the desired spot with scissors.

2. Cover the plastic scraping knife with microfiber cloth, and fit it tightly down over the top. Set the scraping knife ultimate of the side molding, and begin pushing it into the molding to receive is started. Pry until the end of the molding begins to come up and the scraper can slide underneath it.