The brake course on a Chrysler Conquest TSI works by hydraulic impact. On the other hand, the development Testament particular employment when there is solitary hydraulic brake fluid in the brake lines and no air. Provided there is air in the brake lines, then the brake manner Testament fail or brake pedal feeling and the effectiveness of the brakes Testament deteriorate significantly. Purging air from the braking course is called "bleeding." Provided you are experiencing a divide in brake performance, then you'll thirst to notice bleed the brakes on a Chrysler Conquest TSI.
1. Turn the lug nuts on all the wheels 1/4 turn with a tire wrench.
2. Place the box end wrench over the bleeder screw. Check the orientation of the wrench. Orient the wrench so that it is grabbing the nut of the screw (allowing you to loosen the screw to bleed the valve).9.
4. Jack up the back of the vehicle using the rear jack site.
5. Place jack stands under the rear pinch welds of the vehicle; lower the Conquest onto the stands.
6. Remove the lug nuts on the wheels instantly that they are on jack stands. It should be quite easy to do with the lug nuts now loosened.
7. Locate the brake bleeder valve on the brake caliper. Start with the passenger-side rear wheel. This is a valve sticking out of the side of the caliper assembly. The brake bleeder valve, also called a "bleeder screw" is used to bleed air out of the brake system.
8. Jack the vehicle up using the front jack site, which Testament be an extent of the frame or the frame itself.3. Apartment jack stands underneath the front pinch welds in the front of the vehicle; lower the jack onto the jack stands.
Slide one end of the plastic tubing over the end of the bleeder screw. It will be a tight fit. Make sure it is fully covering the screw.
10. Fill up the clear glass jar with about 1 inch of fresh brake fluid.
11. Put the other end of the plastic tubing in the plastic or glass jar submerged in the brake fluid.
12. Pump the brake pedal or have an assistant pump the brake pedal several times. On the last pump hold the brake pedal down firmly.
13. Turn the wrench on the bleeder screw counter clockwise to loosen the screw while firm pressure is applied to the brake pedal. Fluid will be forced out of the screw and through the tube into the jar and the brake pedal will drop to the floor. This is normal. Do not let up on the brake pedal while the bleeder screw is open or you will draw air back into the lines.
14. Re-tighten the screw and release pressure on the brake pedal.
15. Open the hood of the Conquest and locate the brake master cylinder. Remove the cap on the brake master cylinder reservoir and refill the fluid as necessary throughout the entire process of bleeding the brakes. Never let the brake fluid level fall below the lower mark on the outside of the master cylinder reservoir.
16. Repeat steps 12, 13 and 14 until there is no more air coming out of the line.
17.Repeat steps 12 to 16 for each wheel on the vehicle.
18. Mount the wheels back on the wheel hub assembly, lower the vehicle to the ground and torque the lug nuts to 100 pound feet.