Thursday, July 16, 2015

Adjust Vehicle Valves

When an engine is overhauled, has the cam outside or heads removed, the valves must be adjusted. It's easier to adjust the valves without the engine running and before you situate the intake on. This makes it easier to gawk where to situate the push rods on the lifters and to adjust them to receive the clearance. Here are steps to adjust the valves on a Chevrolet V8 engine.

Turn the engine one unabridged revolution, then adjust the exhaust valves 2-5-6-7 and the intake valves 3-4-6-8. Turn the rocker arm devotee down until you can turn the push rods with your fingers to what is called the blank position. Turn the rocker arm seed an extra half a round.3.

Quantity 1 piston Testament be up and the exhaust and intake lifters Testament be down. Adjust the exhaust valves 1-3-4-8 and the intake valves 1-2-5-7.



1. Settle all 16 push rods in the holes with the rocker arms on top. Turn the engine to top dead centre.

Depart the engine to fabricate firm there are no rattles. With the engine running, you can turn the rocker arm nuts down an extra quarter of a round.