Mounting items such as an overhead DVD player to the ceiling of a Yukon XL is less complicated than it sounds. A ceiling-mounted DVD player installation does not thirst for you to install any wires to the vehicle, thanks to you Testament be using the wires that competency the overhead dome aglow. The installation action uses frequent household tools and doesn't depend upon any appropriate skills or mechanical acquaintance.
1. Berth the purpose of the Apartment lodgings screwdriver under the mould of the dome aglow. Slide the screwdriver under the dome glowing until it is loose Sufficiently to seize and remove by ability. Remove the dome blaze and unplug the wire harness from the back. Tuck the wires up into the gap in the ceiling where the dome lustrous used to be.
2. Do not drill through the ceiling. Insert the mounting holes through the drilled bracket holes and tighten them into the ceiling using a Phillips screwdriver. Plug the wire harness into the DVD player. Slide the DVD player onto the bracket so it locks into place.
3. Pull the wire harness out from the hole in the ceiling. Slide the wires through the center hole of the mounting bracket. Slide the mounting bracket up the wires until it lies flat against the ceiling.
4. Hold the bracket to the ceiling and drill a hole through each corner of the bracket into the ceiling. Clinch the mounting bracket from the ceiling mount utensils over the ceiling gap. Compose definite the bracket lies flat against the ceiling. Trace around the bracket using a utility knife, cutting the headliner of the vehicle's ceiling. Remove the bracket, then discard the removed piece of headliner.